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Cardano (ADA) Announces Launch of Daedalus 1.0.0 Wallet for the Shelly Mainnet

Cardano (ADA) Announces Launch of Daedalus 1.0.0 Wallet for the Shelly Mainnet

IOHK (Input Output Hong Kong), the research and development company developing Cardano has announced the release of the first version of Daedalus, a wallet for the Shelly Mainnet coming up on July 29.

The version 1.0.0 of the Daedalus wallet will offer basic functionalities and is designed only for the stake pool operator testing. This means that more updates will come with other versions which will allow ADA holders to store and hold their coins in the wallet, for now the wallet is only for stake pool operators.

These versions released will allow stake pool operators to create, delete and restore Shelly wallets and transactions on the mainnet. The wallet can be downloaded from Github and funded using the Shelly testnet faucet.

Feedback is highly anticipated and stake pool operators are encouraged to quickly download the Daedalus wallet and give it a try. Feedback gotten from the Pool operators will help them input more development. You can find a list of what they expect you to try out on their forum.

More updates should be expected as the Shelly Mainnet rolls out, new features will be added to the testnet which would allow stake pools to be viewed, stakes can be delegated and earnings can be checked. Support for Byron Legacy wallets will be added and also allow movements of funds from the Byron wallet to the new Shelly wallet

Gaming Giant Ubisoft Launches Ethereum Based Game Rabbids Token

Gaming Giant Ubisoft Launches Ethereum Based Game Rabbids Token