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Litecoins Mimblewimble Now Live

Litecoins long awaited privacy upgrade has finally been rolled out. The  Mimblewimble testnet is now live and only accessible to the core developers, public use will be available next year when the mainnet is due to launch. 

MimbleWimble Protocol

This is a privacy protocol or technology that allows users or individuals to transact privately without revealing key information about the transaction to third parties . it is gotten from a tongue–tying curse or spell which ties a person tongue, thereby preventing them from revealing secrets.

Litecoin And The MimbeWimble

The new implementation will allow LTC users to transact privately thereby hiding users identity. The idea and implementation of this protocol was first announced in 2019 but developments did not commence until David Burkett, Grintt developer came into the picture. Burkett took over in December 2019 and have  just successfully laughed the Github code .for review and contribution

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