Short Description (1 line to introduce yourself) |
Newbie investor and an entrepreneur with a passion for the passive income generated by good, sound investments
Long Description (About you and your history) |
Hi guys, I’m new to investing with my money, been investing with my hands and work ethic for a long time… now I’m ready to take a small portion of the gains from my hard labor and jump into the market to build a future for my family and my kids (who are currently about to turn 7 this summer)…!! So yeah, I’m also a dad of two boys (both adopted from different birth moms, born just weeks apart and my wife and I were super blessed to be the parent choices for both of these two kids… of course their amazing cause their my kids and I’m biased like that… my wife is also an entrepreneur and her business is in products, mine is in labor… her’s is more profitable and more flexible (go figure)… and I’m tired of always having to be gone working long hours just to make the dollar… I love working and I love what I do… but I love my family more…
I’m passionate about education and I’m leaning more and more into the educational world of investment the deeper I get into actually investing my money…