Short Description (1 line to introduce yourself) |
new to cryptocurrency, mainly interested about passive income and having fun with the exchange platform.
Long Description (About you and your history) |
Hello, I’m George Mouchlis, I’m 34 years old, owner of a couple small businesses here in the island of Cyprus. My goal is not to be a millionaire or something but when I look back to see some achievements. Im at the start but I have done pretty well so far. Now Cryptocurrency market found in my way and i think it could be an interesting hobby for having fun and also making some extra money. At the moment I watch your 1000$ to 10000$ series and I’m pretty hooked. To be honest the first and main reason I follow you is that besides your excellent predictions you seem a pretty honest guy, I know it sounds strange and it’s the main reason people losing money but call it instinct.
Thank you, looking forward to learn more from you.