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Venezuela Makes Crypto Mining Legal

A new decree published on Monday stated that any entity interested in mining cryptocurrency could do so after applying for a license from the government. The new decree was passed in the official Gazette and was  authorized by Josecit Ramirez, the head of National Superintendency of crypto Assets, and Related Activities (SUNACRIP), a government department in charge of dealing with the regulation of crypto assets.

Companies or entities that wish to apply for the license must be ready to tell the government what their mining activities would be like,they are to record and store their mining activities for 10years.

The Venezuela authorities will oversee the importing and manufacturing of mining equipment. They intend on developing an official central mining pool named National Digital Mining pool and all the miners within the country are expected to carry out all activities through and they could get sanctioned if they operate outside this rule.

Since the mining is centralized, the government will have access to funds generated through mining and could be the ones to distribute the income to different income earners. This would also give them the power of possibly freezing funds or payments as at when they wish to do so.

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