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Popular Podcaster Joe Rogan Says He Uses Brave Browser

Joe Rogan Brave Browser BAT

Joe Rogan had a podcast which featured American musician and comedian Reggie Watts on YouTube. Joe revealed that he uses Brave browser to help avoid ads and Google tracking. Watts admitted  he used it too when Joe pointed out that occasionally an ad reveals a product worth exploring, Watts said he takes the product over to Brave and searches it there and avoids tracking.

Joe Rogan’s podcasts are downloaded over 190 million times every month. This edition of Podcast itself has had over 1.9 million views already. The show is said to have signed a $100 million deal with Spotify.

The two personalities devoted quite a good amount of time on the podcast and used close to 30 minutes to discuss internet privacy. They spoke about major social media apps including Google inefficiency in the privacy aspect of their products, even going as far as tracking users when they are using the private options on the platform. They pointed out that using social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook is sure to be tracked.

If you want to use Instagram or if you want to use Facebook, you’re getting tracked

Endorsement for Brave

Developed by Brendan Eich a Java script creator and Mozilla founder, Brave browser is a privacy-focused browser that allows users to tip their favorite crypto content creators with the native token called BAT. Brave users do not need to click their through ads as the browser does that for them automatically and also the browser does not track its users nor does it allow users to get tracked. They recently released an end-to-end encryption Video call service for beta test. Brave browser has also seen tremendous growth over the years; they announced earlier this week that they now have over 15 million active users and over 5 million daily users.

With this mention by Rogan and Watt to millions of viewers, the numbers of users are likely to grow even more eyes looking up Brave token as an investment. Interested in downloading Brave browser for your PCs or your devices, then do that here.

Check out more details on Brave Browser here.

BAT up 8%

After this podcast where Joe Rogan revealed he uses Brave browser, the word quickly spread in the crypto space and their token BAT is now up 8% and showing higher volume. The user base for Brave is growing constantly and getting huge endorsements more regularly now. It won’t be long until we see the price of BAT reflect on the massive growth the browser has had in the past 3 months.

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